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How Can Marketers Allocate their Advertising Budget Smartly in 2023? Use AI or Instincts?

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How Can Marketers Allocate their Advertising Budget Smartly in 2023? Use AI or Instincts?

Advertising Budget allocation in times of recession can be a daunting task. In the world of digital advertising, marketers face the challenge of allocating their advertising budget in a way that maximizes the return on investment. In this blog, we will discuss how marketers can allocate their digital advertising budget smartly in 2023 and whether they should use AI or rely on their gut instincts.

Is AI the right choice?

One way for marketers to allocate their digital advertising budget smartly is to use AI-powered tools. AI-powered tools can help marketers to optimize their ad campaigns by analyzing data and making recommendations based on the performance of different ad channels and tactics. For example, an AI-powered tool might analyze data on the performance of different ad formats, such as video ads or display ads, and make recommendations on which formats to use in order to maximize the return on investment.

The latest fad in the AI world – ChatGPT is kicking up quite a storm. ChatGPT can assist in creating digital ads by using its advanced language generation capabilities to generate compelling and attention-grabbing ad copy. This can save time and effort for advertisers who would otherwise have to manually create ad copy from scratch. Additionally, ChatGPT can also use data analysis to generate targeted ads that are personalized to specific customer segments, increasing their effectiveness.

AI for allocating Advertising Budget

Major platforms like Facebook and Google are already using AI to give marketers better optimization for their campaigns.

On ReBid as well digital marketers can find generative AI features which help not only in media planning and activation but in optimization as well.

ReBid’s AI technology is designed to provide marketers with a comprehensive understanding of their advertising campaigns. It uses advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze various data sources such as current marketing strategies, audience demographics, and platform metrics to predict the outcomes of your campaigns. This includes expected click-through rates (CTR), clicks, and impressions across different platforms, giving you a 360-degree view of your campaigns. This helps marketers in understanding where to allocate their advertising budget smartly.

The technology takes a holistic approach to deliver accurate predictions, using an end-to-end machine learning system that integrates best practices and techniques to deliver real-time results. This means that marketers can stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions based on the latest insights and trends.

ReBid’s AI technology offers a range of benefits to marketers, including the ability to optimize campaigns in real-time, identify areas for improvement, and allocate resources more effectively. The technology also provides prescriptive insights that help marketers understand the impact of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions. Whether you’re launching a new campaign or looking to improve an existing one, ReBid’s AI technology provides the predictive analytics and insights you need to drive success.

In conclusion, ReBid’s AI technology is a valuable tool for marketers looking to stay ahead of the curve and achieve their marketing goals. With its comprehensive insights and real-time results, marketers can make data-driven decisions and drive success for their campaigns.

What does your instinct tell you?

Another way for marketers to allocate their digital ad budgets smartly is to use a mix of AI and gut instincts. While AI-powered tools can provide valuable insights and recommendations, they cannot replace the expertise and experience of a skilled marketer. By combining AI-powered tools with their own knowledge and experience, marketers can make informed decisions about how to allocate their digital ad budgets in a way that maximizes the return on investment.

So, should marketers use AI or gut instincts to allocate their digital ad budgets in 2023? The answer is that both are important. While AI-powered tools can provide valuable insights and recommendations, they cannot replace the expertise and experience of a skilled marketer. By using a mix of AI and gut instincts, marketers can make informed decisions about how to allocate their digital ad budgets and maximize their return on investment.

We at ReBid believe that AI is here to help marketers to smart work and achieve their goals. Book a personalized demo now to see for yourself.

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